Kieft En Klok

we sell parts, restore, buy and sell classic vw buses

Our passion is the VW bus, mainly the ones built between 1950 and 1979 but with an increasing attraction to the t25 as well:)
We buy and sell, restore and sell parts for the following models:
vw splitscreen , vw barndoor , vw samba, vw 23 window, vw 21 window, samba, crewcab, barndoor, t1 , t2 , t2a, t2b, splitscreen, spijlbus, bully, bulli, Westfalia , so23, so42, so33
Westfalia berlin, Westfalia Helsinki, Kemperink, beutler.

We also like the vintage Porsche , KDF or Typ 82 volkswagen.

We are Always on the lookout for NOS parts or vw buses to buy. If you have something, email us at Dont forget to look at our website to visit our online showroom and webshop.

See you soon!

Automobiles and parts